The elders didn't even ask if he'd had himself checked for STDs, completely ignoring the possibility that he may suffer life-long consequences if he doesn't get treatment right away. He is an adult, though, so maybe they figured if he's old enough to pick up a woman in a bar, he's old enough to look after himself.
Worse, far worse in my book, is that they show no concern whatsoever for this new life he (may have) created. Whatever the circumstances, they should have reminded him of his responsibility to provide for this child, if proven to be his. Then they could have addressed the religious aspect.
Here's what I think they should have said, in this order, when he first came to them:
(1) If this really is your child, you have an absolutely responsibility to provide for it the best you can.
(2) Get yourself checked out right away to make sure you're ok, and get treatment if it's needed.
(3) Now, about your conduct...